All patients. All sources. One system.

Optimize clinical trial recruitment with the only vendor-agnostic platform that provides sponsors early and accurate reporting across all patient recruitment and referral sources.

Weeks faster per trial

On average, StudyTeam customers complete patient enrollment six weeks faster per trial across their portfolios.

Site uptake

93% of sites choose to use StudyTeam on their next trial over other methods to manage enrollment

Recruitment vendors integrated

Choose from a proven network of pre-integrated organizations, or integrate the vendor of your choice to suit the needs of your study.

Unlock full visibility of all patient recruitment efforts, from interested candidate to enrolled patient

Empower sites to pre-screen and enroll referral patients and site-sourced patients in one system
Route all pre-qualified referrals from any recruitment source to sites
Immediately notify sites of new referrals to facilitate timely follow-up
Reduce site burden with an easy-to-use tool to  pre-screen, schedule visits and enroll all patients
Eliminate duplicate data entry and lost referrals with digital integration
Accelerate enrollment with visibility of all patient recruitment efforts in one system
Centralize all recruitment sources, vendors, and campaigns into one tool
Analyze recruitment campaign metrics at the deepest level to assess the performance of all sources, vendors, and campaigns in one platform
Identify the highest performing sites, referral vendors, and recruitment campaigns
Use the data to identify roadblocks, shift resources, and engage with sites and vendors to strategize interventions

See StudyTeam's recruitment, referral and patient source reporting capabilities in action

Stop wasting time logging into multiple systems to evaluate all of your recruitment efforts. Take a quick tour to see how reporting in StudyTeam for Sponsors enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of all your recruitment sources in a single location.

Ready to streamline and accelerate patient referrals for your clinical trials?

Sign up for a quick, 30-minute demo to see how you can gain visibility into all of your patient recruitment efforts.


About Referral Partner Interface (RPI)

What recruitment vendors are are you already integrated with?
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We currently have direct integrations with 32 of the top patient recruitment and referral vendors in the clinical trial industry. Reach out to us via the form on this page to get the most up-to-date list.

If your preferred recruitment partner is not one of the companies already integrated, we will work with them to establish the integration as we activate Referral Partner Interface (RPI) for your trial.

In which countries is RPI available?
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Referral Partner Interface (RPI) is available in all 105 countries that StudyTeam is available in.  We are actively expanding to new regions and offer localization in several languages — please contact us to get our most up-to-date country map.

Is RPI compliant with data protection laws?
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Yes. All StudyTeam products and suites are compliant with data protection laws. The Data Protection team at OneStudyTeam actively tracks and monitors the ever-changing regulatory landscape to remain compliant as new regulations are introduced.

OneStudyTeam recognizes that field can change quickly and we take an active stance toward compliance. Learn more about our data security and privacy here.

What will my sites think about using StudyTeam for Sites to manage patient referrals?
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On more than 100 studies, when given a choice, 93% of sites have chosen to use StudyTeam over other methods of managing patient recruitment and enrollment. We’re confident your sites will find value not only for managing patient referrals, but for pre-screening and enrolling patients in their daily workflows.

With more than 7,000 sites around the globe, it’s more than likely that your sites are already using and loving StudyTeam. Contact us via the form on this page to find out.

How do I get started?
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Fill out the form on this page and someone from our team will reach out to you in a timely manner.

Still have a question?

We're always happy to talk more about our solutions.