Take control of trial enrollment.

Meet the cloud-based patient enrollment management platform that the largest biopharmaceutical companies trust to monitor and accelerate trial enrollment.

See how leading biopharmaceutical companies hit and exceeded enrollment goals by collaborating with sites using StudyTeam®.  

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Why StudyTeam?


Weeks faster per trial

On average, StudyTeam customers complete patient enrollment six weeks faster per trial across their portfolios.


Fewer zero-enrollers

Sites that use StudyTeam are 25% less likely to be zero-enrollers compared to sites that don't use StudyTeam.


Site uptake

93% of sites choose StudyTeam versus existing clinical trial solutions to track and manage enrollment because it reduces site burden.

"Reducing the burden on research sites and helping them work more effectively is critical for our industry to run faster, more predictable clinical trials."

Amy Davis

Eli Lilly and Company

Sr. Director of Clinical Development for Oncology

Benefits for Sponsors

Access data you don’t have today

Take earlier, targeted action to address enrollment challenges based on novel pre-screening and enrollment insights.

Routinely tap into progress reports

Seamlessly aggregate enrollment insights and analyze data using interactive reports that detail recruitment vendor ROI, progress toward enrolling representative patient populations, and more.

Simplify enrollment for your sites

Provide your sites with easy-to-use technology that enables them to share insights securely and automatically, to manage workflows more effectively, and to avoid protocol deviations.

Gain trusted partners

Work with our team of industry and product experts to strategically optimize enrollment plans and processes for current and future trials.

Accelerate clinical trial enrollment

Eliminate inefficiencies in your clinical trial operations to ultimately accelerate enrollment and therapeutic development.

StudyTeam for Sponsors provides unrivaled confidence in and control over the entire enrollment process.

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Securely access enrollment data

Use the Sponsor Dashboard to view reports that offer actionable insights about patient representation, inclusion/exclusion criteria failures, big-picture enrollment progress, and more to improve trial outcomes.

6 Reporting Tools Sponsors Need to Take Action Earlier in Clinical Trial Enrollment

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Streamline research site workflows

Empower your sites to enroll patients and collaborate more efficiently while easily collecting information to inform enrollment performance.

Amgen Increases Efficiencies in Working with Sites and Improves Enrollment Across Its Global Research Portfolio

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Take action with recruitment insights

Leverage reporting in StudyTeam to understand which referral partner channels are delivering the most viable candidates and improve the adoption of effective campaigns.

Top-20 Sponsor Optimizes Global Recruitment ROI Using StudyTeam

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Your data is safe. You're in control.

You're entrusting us with information about your patients. We implement rigorous security and data management practices to keep your data protected. You control the data you share with other clinical trial stakeholders, for a specific clinical trial as appropriate.

In the past year alone, StudyTeam has undergone security reviews by several hundred clinical research sites.

Enroll intelligently.

StudyTeam makes it easier for sites and sponsors to share recruitment insights and enroll with confidence.

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